Single Payer Healthcare

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Healthcare is one of the most important topics that is discussed in this age. It affects virtually everyone, and in particular, has three main stakeholders. However, our current healthcare could be significantly improved, because currently it is too costly and covers too little people. As a result, we should ensure that our healthcare system does as much good as possible. 

Why Single Payer Healthcare

Single payer healthcare, which is typically a healthcare that is government controlled is the best solution to the healthcare problem. This is because single payer healthcare reduces administrative costs, uses the government’s ability to negotiate in order to reduce prices for consumers, and provides the most coverage for consumers, especially those with pre-existing conditions.

Other Perspectives

However, there are many different solutions to the healthcare issues, with each solution having its own strengths and weaknesses. There are many people who support these alternative solutions and don’t support single payer healthcare, for a variety of reasons.




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